Ways to improve the competitiveness of the timber industry complex of the Primorsky Krai

  • Степулёва Людмила Федоровна

    Stepuleva L.F. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Forests of the Far East are a unique natural complex, in this regard, this work is devoted to the study of problems associated with the development of the timber industry complex of Primorsky Krai in the difficult political and economic situation in the country. During the research, various methods were used: collection, grouping and generalization of information, analysis of literature on the topic, logical, observation, analysis of documents. The current data of the rating agency are given. In the industrial structure of Primorsky Krai, the timber industry complex occupies the leading place, and has a primary influence on its economy. The composition of the competitive advantages of the forest complex of Primorsky Krai is considered. The analysis of the external environment, timber industry complex of Primorsky Krai in dynamics for five years, affecting the competitiveness of the object under consideration was carried out. To identify and structure the strengths and weaknesses, as well as their assessment in relation to the opportunities and threats of the external environment of the timber industry complex of Primorsky Krai, a SWOT analysis was conducted. Measures are proposed to increase the competitiveness of the timber industry complex of Primorsky Krai, in particular, the use of a cluster approach in the forestry sector of an innovative nature. The use of a single resource, transport, market, communal infrastructures, as well as continuous information exchange between the cluster members, contributes to the strengthening of interaction between large and small enterprises and, as a result, to increase their competitiveness through the manifestation of a synergistic effect. To improve the competitiveness of enterprises of the timber industry complex of the Primorsky Krai, which hamper its development at the present time, several effective solutions have been proposed. Keywords: competitiveness, analysis, external environment, approach (attitude), cluster, condition, efficiency.